The Little Dipper

Starting at $56,550 with Delivery and Installation

The Little Dipper offers a complete and versatile alternative to traditional pools. Our pools are precast in a temperature controlled environment for ultimate precision. Our standard package includes:

8ft x 18ft 6in precast concrete pool with tier one Pebblesheen plaster color of your choice*

Energy efficient pool heater, skimmer, lights, and bubbler package

4ft x 8ft Baja step and single row of 6in square tile of your choice

*Pebblesheen plaster does not include specialty stones or dark colors. Upgrades are available for an extra cost.

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Delivery and Install


Install It Myself

Starting at $25,550

Ship me the pool and equipment and I’ll handle the installation.


Install Included

*Starting at $56,550

*Pricing assumes reasonable access to backyard and power source

We will connect you with a local installer.

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Please fill out the below information so we can better understand your project’s needs. Once submitted our team will reach out to discuss customization options, local licensing requirements, and details around your install to give you a complete pricing estimate.